Stations Near 39.2028965 -94.602876

Call msgwxlatlondistanceLast Position
WA0TJT-5 .. 39.203 -94.602830.0 00:00:02:18
WA0TJT-1 **. 39.20183 -94.60250.1 00:22:24:02
N0WW-N .. 39.18017 -94.597331.4 00:00:19:15
N0ZOJ-5 **. 39.23333 -94.616672.0 01:18:42:42
W0RDE-9 .. 39.23667 -94.632672.7 00:20:52:55
KE0WFF-9 **. 39.2605 -94.593833.5 00:22:21:30
KC1CGR-9 .. 39.244 -94.644673.5 00:20:21:39
FW0886 .** 39.2375 -94.5543.6 00:01:12:30
EW7436 .** 39.263 -94.5953.6 00:00:01:29
K0MEZ-1 **. 39.23567 -94.659333.9 01:01:32:13

Click on the callsign to see station's position, or on the "**" in the msg and wx columns for messages and weather reports respectively.