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Weather Stations Near 41.13600 -106.24050

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
GW2145 0.0 00:00:00:39 1181531800085934.4
CW8897 0.6 W00:00:09:38 13411295000811017.2
FW6033 12.1 NE00:00:01:05 17917256000691007.8
FW4449 22.9 E00:00:09:54 23152429000.020591016.6
EW2581 45.7 N00:00:09:37 260036000.020601023.2
GW0843 49.1 SE00:00:09:05 241118200.030.03681018.3
GW4343 49.8 SW00:00:04:51 1512228000841016.9
DW4366 50.8 SE00:00:03:45 2649302000591013.8
FW4079 54.7 SW00:00:04:40 260000.40.38711017.3
GW2542 55.0 SW00:00:04:41 251421900.390.37691017.3
DW3707 55.5 SE00:00:01:03 27465900.010751016.9
FW6313 56.3 SW00:00:04:46 230036000.060.06731021.2
GW4629 56.6 SE00:00:03:13 2667324000731017.4
FW5702 58.6 SW00:00:09:00 263523601.661.32551016.0
GW5627 60.1 SW00:00:02:32 191226200.060.06991012.9
WxPeteCO 61.9 SE00:00:09:09 272968000711016.9
CW9561 62.3 S00:00:03:16 2132880711014.7
GW4278 63.5 SE00:00:04:51 26314121000731016.5
EW2911 63.7 SE00:00:09:07 2706285000631016.4
CW3065 64.1 SE00:00:04:52 26712332000731012.3

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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