W8HF-5 messages

fromtotime message
KM8V-7 W8HF-5 06/17 23:09:47z Reply HI7
KM8V-7 W8HF-5 06/17 23:09:46z Reply HI{7
W8HF-5 KM8V-7 06/15 16:55:05z Send another Greetings{361EE
KE0TTZ-14 W8HF-5 05/29 16:19:56z Reply Nice to hear from you. on my way to Maryland{M0001
W8HF-5 KE0TTZ-14 05/29 15:11:56z Send another I see you passing through Cleveland area again. Have a safe trip!{D4229
W8HF-5 NW8D-I 05/29 14:58:02z Send another Hello{5AB78
W8HF-5 DK1MI-7 05/24 21:11:23z Send another Mowing!{87407
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 21:11:09z Send another Mowing!{4CDF7
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 19:29:51z Send another Mowing!{BE303
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 19:26:42z Send another Mowing{0C961
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 12:59:05z Send another Hello Michael!{43942
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 12:58:46z Send another Hello Michael{CB04A
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/24 12:58:39z Send another Hello Michael{05AD5
W8HF-5 N8NCL-I 05/22 15:29:46z Send another Hello{51237
W8HF-5 N8NCL-I 05/21 21:50:24z Send another Hello{F8EEC
W8HF-5 W8IH 05/21 21:42:55z Send another Hello Steve!{8CDCD
W8HF-5 W8IH 05/21 21:41:50z Send another Hello Steve!{954FC
DK6SP-5 W8HF-5 05/20 20:19:21z Reply Sure thing, yeah. Been in Dayton from Thursday 👍{2
W8HF-5 DK6SP-5 05/20 17:02:20z Send another Did you make it to Hamvention?{6ACE4
W8HF-5 DK6SP-5 05/20 17:01:26z Send another I live on 5 acres and was running APRS on my tractor recently{A27B7
DK6SP-5 W8HF-5 05/20 16:54:51z Reply Sure thing 😂{1
W8HF-5 DK6SP-5 05/20 16:21:44z Send another Are you sure planting crops at the airport? 😀{2C99E
W8HF-5 N8NCL-I 05/19 18:51:10z Send another I'm{B0715
W8HF-5 N8NCL-I 05/19 18:51:05z Send another Hi{6F294
W8HF-5 W8IH 05/19 17:20:18z Send another Hi Steve!!{028FC
W8HF-5 AB8M-9 05/19 16:26:51z Send another Hello{E5805
W8HF-5 AB8M-9 05/19 16:22:05z Send another Yo{A71A3
W8HF-5 KE0TTZ-14 05/17 18:51:05z Send another Greetings from Dayton Hamvention{6DF36
W8HF-5 DK1MI-6 05/17 16:00:34z Send another Hello from Hamvention!{3418A
W8JWH W8HF-5 05/17 13:59:31z Reply rej20E2B
W8HF-5 K8JTK-5 05/17 13:59:22z Send another I'm actually running a PicoAPRS and TH-D75 as well as APRS.fi{20E2B
K8JTK-5 W8HF-5 05/17 13:57:50z Reply You using a mobile app or ??{3
W8JWH W8HF-5 05/17 13:41:14z Reply rej773D5
W8HF-5 K8JTK-5 05/17 13:41:05z Send another Trying{773D5
K8JTK-5 W8HF-5 05/17 13:40:54z Reply Staying dry?{2
K8JTK-5 W8HF-5 05/17 13:40:51z Reply Lol{1
W8JWH W8HF-5 05/17 13:37:21z Reply rejC9C2E
W8HF-5 K8JTK-5 05/17 13:37:13z Send another Hi!{C9C2E