PY1XTA messages

fromtotime message
PY2YES PY1XTA 02/04 02:20:01z Reply PING{71
PY1XTA BLN0 01/28 18:52:54z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 19:00
PY1XTA BLN3 01/28 12:17:02z Send another Teste de boletim 3
PY1XTA BLN1 01/28 11:56:02z Send another Teste de boletim 1{01}
WLNK-1 PY1XTA 01/08 18:55:52z Reply You have 2 Winlink mail messages pending{42
PY1XTA BLN0 01/07 20:11:05z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 19:00{02}
WLNK-1 PY1XTA 01/07 18:49:03z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{36
PU2MUS-1 PY1XTA 01/02 22:46:00z Reply teste TCIP -> HF{001
WLNK-1 PY1XTA 01/02 20:22:37z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{1808
PY1XTA KE4QCM-1 01/01 19:34:28z Send another Sim, espero que a propagacao ajude, 73.{4
KE4QCM-1 PY1XTA 01/01 19:33:11z Reply espero fazer contato com vocĂȘ em 40m ou 10m 73{C0006
PY1XTA KE4QCM-1 01/01 19:15:42z Send another Fala muito bem. Prazer em conhece-lo. :-){3
KE4QCM-1 PY1XTA 01/01 19:09:34z Reply eu falo um pouco portugues{C0005
PY1XTA KE4QCM-1 01/01 19:07:58z Send another Que bom. Acho que ja lhe ouvi tambem. Estou no Rio de Janeiro{2
KE4QCM-1 PY1XTA 01/01 19:02:56z Reply Meu QTH perto de Atlanta, Georgia, USA{C0004
KE4QCM-1 PY1XTA 01/01 19:01:40z Reply Copiei vocĂȘ em packet radio de 10m.{C0003
KE4QCM-1 PY1XTA 01/01 19:01:20z Reply Meu nombre Tomas{C0002
PY1XTA KE4QCM-1 01/01 19:00:25z Send another Boa tarde{1
KE4QCM-1 py1xta 01/01 18:57:20z Reply Ola Mauro boa tarde.{C0001
PY1XTA PY1IBM-5 12/30 20:43:41z Send another 73, Feliz Ano Novo. :-){1
PY1IBM-5 PY1XTA 12/30 19:48:36z Reply 73{2
PY1IBM-5 PY1XTA 12/30 19:48:29z Reply oi{1
PY1XTA BLN0 12/29 18:56:03z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 19:00{01}
PY1XTA BLN1 12/24 21:03:36z Send another PY1XTA BBS/IGATE/WINLINK deseja a todos FELIZ NATAL{01}
APRSBR PY1XTA 12/12 12:29:58z Reply SBSC 121200Z 03005KT 9999 BKN020 27/19 Q1015
PY1XTA APRSBR 12/12 12:20:37z Send another ping{01}
PY1XTA BLN0 12/11 21:00:11z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 18:30{02}
PU2MUS-1 PY1XTA 12/09 13:12:52z Reply ?PING?{000
APRSBR PY1XTA 12/09 12:41:30z Reply PONG!
PY1XTA APRSBR 12/09 12:41:26z Send another ping
APRSBR PY1XTA 12/09 12:31:23z Reply SBSC 091200Z 32006KT 9999 FEW020 SCT100 30/22 Q1011
PY1XTA APRSBR 12/09 12:31:15z Send another metar sbsc
PY1XTA BLN0 12/05 18:58:03z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 18:30{01}