Call | msg | wx | lat | lon | distance | Last Position |
N4BCX | ** | . | 34.778 | -86.48933 | 1.5 | 00:00:49:18 |
145.33HSV | . | . | 34.74333 | -86.53217 | 2.7 | 00:00:21:41 |
WA4BPS | . | ** | 34.74333 | -86.53217 | 2.7 | 00:00:00:27 |
146.94HSV | . | . | 34.73717 | -86.53383 | 2.9 | 00:00:21:46 |
N8DEU-7 | ** | . | 34.73167 | -86.53733 | 3.2 | 00:00:21:41 |
N4HSV-10 | . | . | 34.71667 | -86.53333 | 3.5 | 00:00:59:26 |
147.22HSV | . | . | 34.71783 | -86.54033 | 3.8 | 00:00:21:50 |
GW5156 | . | ** | 34.75767 | -86.55583 | 4.1 | 00:00:02:07 |
FW8050 | . | ** | 34.73717 | -86.558 | 4.3 | 00:00:04:16 |
KK4MQS-1 | . | . | 34.67267 | -86.49233 | 4.8 | 00:00:05:35 |
Click on the callsign to see station's position, or on the "**" in the msg and wx columns for messages and weather reports respectively.